Marken - inclusief vuurtoren - winter feb 2021 -

NEDERLAND - Volendam e.o - Noordholland

Island Marken in the frozen Lake...

Island Marken in the frozen Lake...

Island Marken with the lighthouse...

Island Marken with the lighthouse...

Island Marken in frozen Lake...

Kerkbuurt at the Island Marken in...

Island Marken with the lighthouse...

Overhead Marken with the "Bukdijk"...

Island Marken with the lighthouse...

Island Marken with the lighthouse...

Island Marken with the lighthouse...

Island Marken with the lighthouse...

Island Marken with the lighthouse...

Minnebuurt at Island Marken in the...

Island Marken in the frozen Lake...

Havenbuurt, Kets, Kerkbuurt en...

Island Marken with the lighthouse...

Island Marken with the lighthouse...

Island Marken in the frozen Lake...

Island Marken in the frozen Lake...

Island Marken in the frozen Lake...

Island Marken in the frozen Lake...

Island Marken in the frozen Lake...

Overhead Marken with the "Bukdijk"...

Overhead Marken with the "Bukdijk"...

The Island Marken with the...

The Island Marken with the...

Overhead Marken with the "Bukdijk"...

Island Marken with the lighthouse...

Island Marken with the lighthouse...

The "Bukdijk" and in the...

Skating people on the Gouwzee. To...

The Gouwzee between Marken en...

Close up of a couple of stranded...

The Bukdijk at the Island Marken -...

Skating people on the Gouwzee. To...

Island Marken with the lighthouse...

The lighthouse at Marken Island in...

The lighthouse at Marken Island in...

